Local Planning Authority
Harborough District Council
Proposed Development
Demolition of the hospital, with the exception of a grade II listed portico, and the construction of a 70-bed care home
Application Type
Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent
58 Coventry Road, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 9BZ
Brief Summary
SM Planning were instructed to lead on the submission of full and listed building consent applications for the demolition of a former hospital building and its replacement with a 70-bed care home. Given the importance to the historic and natural environment, the proposed demolition created a challenging set of circumstances, but our London Planning Consultants were able to negotiate the safe relocation of the listed portico and appropriate mitigation for statutorily protected species. Full Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent were secured for the client after presentation of the case to Harborough’s Planning Committee and a significant reduction in s106 obligations were successfully negotiated. The submissions were supported by architectural design consultancy Fluid Design Associates.
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